Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Alaska with Mel & Clark...

Our last stop in the US before heading back to Christchurch via LA with our final destination of McMurdo Station, Antarctica, was Anchorage, Alaska. We stayed with Heather's sister Melissa and her boyfriend Clark...
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They were kind enough to take us on a little adventure to Seward, Alaska. They had signed up for Public Use Cabin in the mountains outside of Seward which meant we would hike up to it and the hike was about 2 hours uphill on snow and ice, but the view alone was worth it...
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While we had thought we packed enough provisions, Heather's sister Melissa ran out of Pringles so the next day, after some hiking and playing in the snow, we all hiked back down the mountain for a supply run into town...
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This time it was early evening and so the hike back up was in the dark...
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And all for Pringles! Heather's says "you call me a spoiled lil' princess!"
Clark and Melissa had not been dating that long so Clark was catering to Melissa's every wish, heating her pizza up just right, can't have a burnt smell-otherwise you get the Ferengy or nose turnup!... We ate great though with Thai food and even toasted bagels in the morning.
For entertainment we had brought along our portable DVD player and tried to watch The Incredibles, but Clark and I had a few too many beers at that point and were having way too much fun, so the girls had to keep yelling at us to quiet down, but had little success in that effort.
At night we slept in the loft and since the toilet was an outhouse, that meant climbing down the stairs/ladder in the dark which made Heather obsessively whip out her Zipka headlamp every time someone moved towards the trap door which blinding us as we went down the ladder! Fortunately nobody died going up or down the stairs regardless of Heather's efforts.
Overall it was a great time and a lot of fun with some great photo opportunities. From the sisters getting quality time...
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To me wrestling Heather for some kisses...
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The best part of hiking down at the end would be butt sliding in our snow pants...
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Ah, but it was a FUN TIME!
Next stop would be our red-eye flight to L.A. to visit all too briefly with my friend Leah and then onto Christchurch...


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