Wednesday, May 18, 2005


So I have a new nephew, Caleb Robert Emanuel Dietsche...
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Actually, he's a few days old now, but I've been slacking on working on this. I have two neices also, Brooke and Katrina...
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Aren't they the cutest???
Oh, and we can't forget the Stanley clan...
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That Jim, Mom S., Aunt Emmy Lou, Nana Stanley, Fred and Bill.
Then there's Dylan, who is Melissa's boyfriends son...
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Oh, and we should include a picture of Tracey and Mel and Heather...
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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Off Ice...

Founds some pictures from time off Ice... actually, this oneImage Hosted by ImageShack.usIs from a weekend we spent in Denver for our employer doing our psych eval to come to the Ice. We're at Elich Gardens on one of their roller coasters.

I appologize that the timelines on these are so varied... I'll try to get this all posted and then continue with our on-Ice dramas... until we're no longer on Ice!
Here's another photo of Heather and I in ParachuteImage Hosted by ImageShack.usvisiting her parents Diana and Bill.Image Hosted by ImageShack.usOh, and here's a group shot of the Stanley clan.Image Hosted by ImageShack.usOops... Don't forget Nana LincolnImage Hosted by ImageShack.usand, of course, all the lovely ladies.Image Hosted by